Dunhill Tuxedos and Suits


$129.95 – $159.95 


EXPIRES 3/29/25


PROM 2025
















PROM 2025












We’re currently celebrating 60 years in the tux and suit  business – no matter what garment you’re looking for, we’ve got you covered.

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A nice suit is a necessity, and we have everything you need to look sharp. Rent as low as $129.95, or purchase as low as $249.00

Dunhill Tuxedos not only provides impeccable service in the sale and rental of suits and tuxedos, but also knows how to satisfy people who crave the glamorous world of good, high-stakes gambling. As well as the diverse range of styles, colors and sizes they offer, Dunhill Tuxedos recognizes the importance of personal preference in fashion and entertainment. Just as a well-tailored suit can enhance a look, a perfectly crafted good gambling movies can capture the audience with its compelling narrative and charismatic characters. Like the many twists and turns in the world of gambling, Dunhill Tuxedos understands that everyone has unique tastes. Their collection of suits and tuxedos reflects this sentiment, catering to every body type and style. Similarly, the realm of good gambling movies includes a wide range of stories, from the tense underground poker games depicted in The Furies to the exciting casino vault heist in Ocean’s Eleven.

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We get it: sometimes a coat is just too much. That’s why we offer a shirt, tie, vest, and pant package to help keep you cool.

Suspenders and Tie

Need to add a little something to your look? Rent or buy our suspenders on their own or in a package price with a tie or bowtie.

Vest and Tie

Classy and casual can get along – whether it’s an outdoor event or special occasion, sometimes a vest and tie is all you need.

Dunhill Tuxedos, a well-known supplier of suits and tuxedos, understands the importance of looking flawless for a variety of events, including glamorous Canadian Online Casinos nights. With a vast collection of tailored tuxedos, Dunhill ensures that people can make a statement and exude confidence even in the virtual world. In the ever-growing world of Canadian Online Casinos playsafecasino.ca, where the excitement of gambling meets the convenience of technology, Dunhill Tuxedos add a touch of sophistication to virtual gaming. When players immerse themselves in the excitement of roulette, poker or blackjack, they can enhance their self-esteem by wearing a well-tailored tuxedo from Dunhill’s extensive collection. From elegant lapels to sleek lines, each tuxedo is crafted with precision and attention to detail, allowing players to feel refined and take their gaming sessions to new heights. With Dunhill Tuxedos, Canadian Online Casinos enthusiasts can seamlessly combine their love of gaming and style, creating an atmosphere of opulence and luxury right at their fingertips.


Searching for that one piece to tie your whole look together? Rental or purchase, we have the tie or bowtie you’ve been looking for.
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Dunhill Tuxedos, a renowned supplier of suits and tuxedos, not only keeps up with the latest fashion trends, but also embraces The Future of Gaming and Gambling. As technology continues to evolve, the company recognizes the growing popularity of virtual reality (VR) gaming and its potential impact on the gambling industry. In addition to its extensive collection of formalwear, Dunhill Tuxedos has taken a bold step forward by incorporating a VR gaming experience into its sales and rental services. Equipped with advanced VR headsets and gaming equipment, people can experience the thrill of virtual reality gaming while wearing stylish clothes. This innovative approach not only caters to gaming enthusiasts seeking a new level of immersion, but also adds a touch of excitement and novelty to the traditional costume shopping experience.

About Us

Make Your Wedding a Grand Celebration

With us, every online casino player in New Zealand will be able to make their wedding a grand celebration. After all, Dunhill Tuxedos offers an exceptional service in the sale and rental of tuxedos and suits with the opportunity to receive a low wagering casino bonus. With a wide range of styles, colors and sizes to suit all body types and personal preferences of online casino players, we pride ourselves on offering high quality clothing at affordable prices.
Dunhill Tuxedos offers exceptional sales and rental services for tuxedos and suits. With a wide range of styles, colors, and sizes to fit every body type and personal preference, we pride ourselves on providing high-quality attire at affordable prices. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff offers personalized service to ensure you find the perfect outfit for any event. We make the rental process easy with online reservations and personalized fittings. Trust Dunhill Tuxedos to make you look and feel your best for any occasion.

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Styled Shoot | May 15

Why Choose Us

Professional, Personal, and Affordable Wedding Planner

Professional Team and Crews

Dresses & Suits Collection

Amazing Wedding Decorations


Our mission at Dunhill Tuxedos is to provide exceptional quality and personalized service for every customer, every time. We strive to offer a wide selection of tuxedos and suits to fit any style or preference, and our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to ensuring the perfect fit for every body type. We aim to make the rental process as convenient as possible, with online reservations and personalized fittings. At Dunhill Tuxedos, our mission is to help you look and feel your best for any formal occasion.

Our Projects

Every Bride Deserves a Perfect Wedding

West Nelda, Arkansas

To Have and to Hold

24 September 2020

Our Projects

William & Annabelle

Fusce at semper orci, a vulputate est. Praesent mollis dapibus urna, nec porttitor justo aliquam iaculis. Phasellus libero velit, faucibus eu pellentesque ac, facilisis nec ante. Etiam justo lacus, dapibus suscipit congue ut.

Bauchview, South Carolina

Where We Begin

15 August 2021

Our Projects

Martin & Natasha

Fusce at semper orci, a vulputate est. Praesent mollis dapibus urna, nec porttitor justo aliquam iaculis. Phasellus libero velit, faucibus eu pellentesque ac, facilisis nec ante. Etiam justo lacus, dapibus suscipit congue ut.

East Shanel, California

From This Day Forward

01 November 2022

Our Projects

Winston & Amanda

Fusce at semper orci, a vulputate est. Praesent mollis dapibus urna, nec porttitor justo aliquam iaculis. Phasellus libero velit, faucibus eu pellentesque ac, facilisis nec ante. Etiam justo lacus, dapibus suscipit congue ut.

Why Choose Us

Discover the Dunhill Tuxedos Difference

Signature Collection

Whether your style is modern or traditional, we have a variety of tuxedo and suit styles to fit everyone in your party.

Fit Commit

We offer in-store alterations for your perfect fit. No boxed tuxedos here, just personalized adjustments to suit your needs.


Don’t trust your tuxedo measurements to an online algorithm. Our trained professionals are here to help.

I had a great experience renting a tuxedo from Dunhill Tuxedos. The staff was friendly and professional, and the rental process was seamless. Highly recommend their services for any occasion.

C. Quinn

I was thoroughly impressed with the level of service and quality of the tuxedo I rented from Dunhill Tuxedos. The staff was helpful and accommodating. Would definitely recommend!

Robin Dannels

Dunhill Tuxedos exceeded my expectations. The selection of tuxedos was fantastic, and the staff went above and beyond to ensure my fitting was perfect. Will definitely be returning.

Samantha Mark

Elevate your formal style with Dunhill Tuxedos

Find the perfect tuxedo or suit for your next formal event at Dunhill Tuxedos. Our wide selection of styles, colors, and sizes ensure that you’ll look and feel your best. Our team of experts provides personalized service to guarantee the perfect fit, and our in-store alterations ensure complete satisfaction. Trust Dunhill Tuxedos to elevate your formal style and make your next event a success.

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+1 800 445 1889